It was really poignant that recently we had R U OK DAY. Naturally, I asked others R U OK? But when I really asked myself (and be brutally honest), I was NOT 100% OK. Having awareness of this state of mental and physical being takes years of practice. Once I am aware, then I can take action to either PAUSE or keep burning my candle from both ends.    

It is my choice.

    So then, I chose to PAUSE. I began the reset button for myself, for this Relationship Coach and Chief Relaxation Officer.     I have made 3 small changes to my physical well-being for at least 1 week. That’s why I called that week my RESET WEEK (so my brain would not get overwhelmed and the changes would stick), AND took THREE days off (I don’t normally get days off as a business owner and as a Mum).    

Day 4 of my reset week:

    I started to do a daily nasal rinse in my attempt to clear my severe hayfever. The sensation is truly MEH, that’s why I resisted doing this often, but I am desperate, I am ready to do almost anything. Then I added a family walk to the local playground at the end of the day. Unfortunately that night I couldn’t sleep. The worst. Mind you, I have been reducing my coffee consumption to only one a day from day 1 of my reset week.    

Day 5:

    What a glorious day that was! I had a date with my friend Ingrid (my twin sister from another mother) in Manly. The power of a great ferry ride + deep & meaningful chin wag + feet in the sand + coastal walk + fresh air + cocktail & snack was a perfect combo for a mini holiday (and I didn’t even have to travel far). One awesome question my friend asked: “Ingrid, with your depression, do you get professional help?” Yes, I have a couple of coaches up my sleeve, and mostly, I coach myself.     Different people have different symptoms of a mental health struggle. Mine is with focusing. I can relate so much to DORI, the cute fish from FINDING NEMO. Do you remember that movie? However, when I put my hands on clients, or during coaching sessions, I transform into the best version of Ingrid. I am fully focused, inspired and having tons of fun!      

Day 6 & 7

      I started working again on day 6 & 7. I was full of energy, love for my clients, I felt AT HOME and clients LOVED what I did for them. I had a lunch date with my beloved and managed to squeeze in some time to do the homework that I’ve been procrastinating about, with my husband’s help. Yes, sometimes I just need the hand-holding approach in doing and focusing one task (homework).      

Is it time for you to hit your reset button?

      It is OK not to be OK for a moment. After all, we are like a magnet. It has a positive AND negative polarity. But, if you don’t like being in the dumpster for a long time, what are you going to do about it? I highly recommend you to ask for help and take action in bettering your well-being and mental health. One reset week can be so powerful. Perhaps, we can start with saying one kind word to someone that you sense is having a tough time. It can change their entire day.     Let’s end the stigma of mental health.     Keep well & lots of love, Ingrid Galloway

If you want to have a chat with me, book it here: Chat with Ingrid