Five Dock’s recent women circle was a success!

The ladies were able to find trust in each other and be vulnerable enough to pour their hearts out. It was, indeed, a circle where women can freely be themselves, have fun without worries, take a break from responsibilities, and share stories without the fear of judgments and prejudice.

So this time, I’m opening our next session with the theme “Your Monumental Story”. We will discuss everyone’s monumental story – the big moment that shaped them to be the women they are today, and the lesson that they have learnt from it

And if you’re up for this topic, willling to be part of a sisterhood built in trust and support, feel free to join us! 

(Facebook event page:

DATE: 9th August, 2021, Monday
PLACE: Online (via Zoom)
FEE: $35 (once you’ve registered, Ingrid will give you details of payment and Zoom link)

See you there!

P.S. Bringing a snack to share is encouraged. Also, please come a bit early or on time so we may start as scheduled.