Accept yourself for who you are without shame & guilt, & being fearful of judgement from others. 😞

In our upcoming Women’s circle, we will be tackling the dreary subject of “Shame & Guilt” – the heavy emotions that may come from each unnecessary stank looks your ‘relatives’ give you, unwarranted comments from work colleagues, gaslighting conversations others put you through, and so on…

With our sisters in the circle whom you can trust, feel free to let out the emotions pent up inside and let go of the shackling prejudice of other people. 😌🍃

(Facebook event page –

DATE: 3rd September 2021, Friday
TIME: 7:00-9:00 PM AEST
PLACE: Online (via Zoom, Ingrid will give the Zoom link)
FEE: $35 (pay for the registration fee here –

See you there! 🧡💙

P.S. Snack time – enjoying our own snack in front of the computer – is from 8.30pm 😉